Realistic Coloring, Realistic Advice
Fed up and frustrated?
With all the free coloring advice on the internet today, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Some days, it seems like you've tried every everything…
…blog posts, tutorials, free videos, online coloring classes...
... and yet you’re just not getting the kind of realism you want.
Even with lots of practice, your coloring is flat.
So you begin to doubt your skills.
Maybe you're just not good at this coloring thing?
Stop. It's not you.
You are not mediocre. The tutorials are mediocre!
Take the next step!
Vanilla Arts Company is everything that comes after blending lessons.
Perfect for card-makers, paper-crafters, stampers, and colorers who want to color with realism.
For almost a decade, I've been bringing fine art techniques to marker and colored pencil hobbyists. People like you who need more than follow-the-leader style classes.
I help students to improve their technical skills and powers of observation. Most of my students do not realize that I'm stealth-teaching them how to draw and paint. I live for the light bulb moments, when a student finally sees the world not just in color but with light and shadow, line and form.
Let’s tap into that talent you’ve been hiding. It’s there, waiting for you.
You can do this!
Amy Shulke, Illustrator & Art Instructor.
Want to know about me?
I won’t shower you with the normal artist's hippy-dippy biography.
My art does NOT reflect the deep nature of humanity. I've never taken a long walk in the woods listening to Kierkegaard.
Blech. Let's be real.
I'm a Technical Illustrator- that’s fancy talk which means I'm trained to draw things in the clearest, cleanest way possible. BFA Illustration; I've studied art in Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Grand Rapids, Michigan with lots of sciencey classes in the mix. It’s a weird specialty.
Basically, I draw and color.
Here's what sets me apart from the regular coloring crowd:
I'm passionate about finding frustrated artists- people who have talked themselves out of becoming an artist. They're accountants or human resource specialists right now, but deep in their hearts, they were and will always be an artist.
Coloring is where the could’a’-should’a-would’a artists end up.
Coloring feels artistic without being hard. You're not looking to become a starving artist, you simply want to color better.
Side-tracked artists feel very comfortable in the crafting world.
But there's a strange disconnect in the crafting community.
You're using artist grade, high quality materials, yet the level of coloring instruction is stuck back at the paint-by-number level.
Ferrari tools with tricycle techniques.
Crafty coloring can only feed your soul for so long. This is why colorers hop from paint to markers to pencils to inks… eventually your skills surpass the instructor.
When there is no next step upwards, you abandon your hobby in search of new challenges in other mediums.
Stop switching and start growing! I can challenge you beyond pretty blends, nifty novelty techniques, and cute coloring projects.
Join me here at Vanilla Arts Company. This is art for crafters.
Fuel your inner-artist with my tips, tutorials, and studio journal ramblings. Take an online class. And coming in late 2022, I’ll be teaching local classes from my brand new teaching studio in the eastern central-ish part of Michigan. More info to come!
Become the artist you were always meant to be.
Coloring Tips: Real time tips & process photos guide you through an artist's process.
Join the Community: Vanilla Arts Chat Group welcomes colorers at all levels.
Watch and Learn: Amy's YouTube channel