Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Succulent Violet

Add dimension and realism by underpainting with Copic Markers! Use R02 underneath your BV blending combination to add warmth to a cool blue violet. | | #copicmarker #realisticcoloring #underpainting

Let’s “warm” up our color…

Add dimension and realism by underpainting with Copic Markers! Use R02 underneath your BV blending combination to add warmth to a cool blue violet. Vanilla Arts Company teaches Online Workshops using the underpainting method. Students learn to layer colors realistically rather than blend.

Underpainting creates natural colors found in everyday life.


Succulent Violet

Elena’s Advice:

Don’t be afraid to underpaint with your R marker!

It’s always good practice to swatch your colors. It’s a great warm up for your coloring session and builds color confidence.

R02 does well under BV04 even though the R marker is a lower value than the BV marker. Because the R marker has a high level of colorless blender in it, that red ink will will delicately disappear while leaving a reddish undertone to this violet combination.

"Succulent Violet", a color palette for underpainting with Copic Markers. Blending combinations designed to create realism in you next coloring project. | | Color theory for alcohol markers.

Violet Workshops

Vanilla Arts Company - Flutterby

Vanilla Arts Company - Ink & Hydrangea

Crafts for Paws - Online Coloring Classes.


Looking for More Blending Combinations?


Elena Cazares is a Vanilla Arts student and a budding online instructor with beautiful sense of color and style. She is a hurricane of positive creative energy.

Elena runs, a 501(c)(3) non profit animal rescue. C4P’s donates 100% of their profits to rescue and care for worst-case stray dogs and cats in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas.

Shop to benefit Crafts for Paws at their sister site - Violeta Ink. Join Elena’s Copic Coloring Club here for online class announcements and catch her YouTube cardmaking series here.

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Elena Cazares

Elena Cazares is a Vanilla Arts student and online instructor with a beautiful sense of color and style. She is a hurricane of positive, creative energy.

Elena runs, an online shop for Copic Markers and Copic supplies. C4P donates 100% of profits to rescue and care for worst-case stray dogs and cats in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas.

Shop at Crafts for Paws here. Join Elena’s C4P Copic Coloring Club here.

Improve your Coloring: How Research Leads to More Creativity (Copic Markers, Colored Pencils)


The 10 Year Beginner: Coloring Projects & Copic Blending Classes Do not make you a better artist