Realistic Coloring: How to add authentic texture to your Copic Marker and colored pencil projects

Realistic Coloring: How to add authentic texture to your Copic Marker and colored pencil projects

Do you blend everything smooth?

My latest Copic Marker Coloring Tips video at YouTube is all about texture.

As a beginner, most colorers focus on blending skills. After all, the blends are what originally attracted you to markers in the first place.

So you dream about blending, you practice blending, and the color blends are what you notice most when you go online to look at other coloring projects and tutorials.

Blend, blend, blend.

But wait, are you stuck on blending?

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Mixed Media! Five reasons to add colored pencils to your Copic Marker projects

Mixed Media! Five reasons to add colored pencils to your Copic Marker projects

Do you fly solo?

Most colorers learn to color from other colorers, and this leads to a lot of segregated thinking in the coloring world.

"Today's tutorial demonstrates how to color magical unicorns with Copic Markers. Tune in tomorrow when we color tropical fish with Distress Ink. Next week, I'll show you how to color a landscape with Polychromos pencils!"

That's flying solo. Using one product per project. Using one brand per project.

I never fly solo.


And it makes a gigantic difference

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Improve Your Coloring: Bad Color Palettes Ruin Good Coloring

Improve Your Coloring: Bad Color Palettes Ruin Good Coloring

Do you wish for Talent?

"I wish I could color like that artist on YouTube!"

All adult colorers have coloring heroes, inspirational Copic Marker or colored pencil geniuses whom we'd gladly trade places with. We love the look of their coloring projects and oh man, if only we had that kind of skill!

We'd give anything to be that talented, to be kissed by the coloring gods.

Talent. We chalk it up to talent. "That person is talented."

But you're wrong. It's not the talent you admire.

It's the color.

What you love in someone else's coloring usually has nothing to do with…

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Improve your Coloring: How to Keep Copic Marker Projects Lightweight & Delicate

Improve your Coloring: How to Keep Copic Marker Projects Lightweight & Delicate

Do you have a weight problem?

Sorry, not that kind of weight problem. Do you have a Copic weight problem?

You are not alone. You color something like flowers and your blends are flawless. You use your best techniques and all of your skill. Basically, the stars align and it might be the best coloring you've ever done.

And yet your flower blossoms look like they each weigh about 90 pounds. There's nothing light or delicate about your project. It's leaden and heavy….

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