Improve Your Copic Coloring: Color for Yourself

Improve Your Copic Coloring: Color for Yourself

There are tiny things which you can do today to improve the quality of your coloring projects. They’re not fairy tale enchantments but they really do help.

Today's Tiny Thing: stop coloring for everyone else.

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Gee, There are a lot of Copic Marker Coloring Classes Right Now...

Gee, There are a lot of Copic Marker Coloring Classes Right Now...

You're doing it right…

You did not jump into Copic Markers blindly.

You read the blogs. You researched colors, paper, and storage. And you did all that before you made the big purchase.

Now you're reading every tip and tutorial you can get your hands on. You're watching videos and printing step-by-step guides-- you are eager to learn!

And yet everything you color still looks a little... well... childish?

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Color Shifting: Create Dimension with Temperature

Color Shifting: Create Dimension with Temperature

Color shifting

Ink & Hydrangea is now a Marker Painting Workshop! Learn how to color with greater realism and to control your markers rather than letting them control you!

Amy shows you the theory behind color shifting for depth and the use of temperature to indicate distance.

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